Motor insurance

How Technology Can Ensure Road Safety In India?

With the huge increase in the number of vehicles plying on India’s roads, the number of cases of road accidents too has increased substantially. The Road Accident Sampling System, India (RASSI)…

With the huge increase in the number of vehicles plying on India’s roads, the number of cases of road accidents too has increased substantially. The Road Accident Sampling System, India (RASSI) database that studied 850 accident cases (May ’11 to Jun ‘14) found that almost 20% of the cases could have been avoided with the presence of just an ABS fitted into the car.

In India, we have a lot of safety features available on cars today. Some manufacturers have made safety features like ABS, EBD, and airbags standard across all their variants including the base models. You need to be certain that your car too has these features. If you are wondering what these terminologies mean, then you are at the right place.

Today, we will look at the key technologies that help ensure road safety and bring down accidents in India.

1. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) comes in handy in case of braking suddenly or on slippery road conditions. Without ABS, when you brake hard or brake on a slippery surface, the tyres tend to lose grip and lock up. ABS prevents this situation from happening.

The wheel speed sensor of the ABS calculates the rotational speed of the wheels. This way, it optimises the braking speed of all the four wheels. When this is achieved, the wheels do not lock or lose grip with the ground surface. With ABS, you can continue steering the car the right way and reduce the braking distance significantly.

2. Electronic Stability Program (ESP)

The Electronic Stability Program (ESP) is usually observed in higher-end cars. While race drivers and professional drivers can turn off the ESP, typically it remains in an ‘always-on’ mode. It checks various parameters like acceleration, throttle position, the car’s turning angle, and steering angle.

It then decides whether the action that will happen due to the sum of these parameters will be similar to the action the driver is going to take. If not, then ESP takes over and takes interventional actions like braking one or more tyres, or reducing or redirecting power.

3. Electric Brake Force Distribution (EBD)

Coupled with ABS, Electric Brake Force Distribution (EBD) determines how much braking pressure needs to be applied to each of the four wheels. Various factors like loading, acceleration, and road conditions determine the braking pressure. It enhances the stopping power of the car and maintains vehicle stability at the same time. It also prevents the front wheel to take the most of the braking pressure and eliminates the chances of the vehicle skidding off the road.

To wrap up

You have to enable total road safety for your car, as well as other vehicles around you. Hence, when you buy a new car, instruct the salesman to go beyond the unwanted cosmetic accessories and elaborate on the safety system of your car. You must make certain that options like ABS, airbags, ESP and EBD aren’t merely upgradable options but made mandatorily available on your car.

Read more: Road Safety Tips for Two Wheelers

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