Motor insurance

A Complete Guide to Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance

In India, bike ownership isn't just about getting from point A to point B. It's a part of daily life and a source of pride for many. However, with the joy of bike ownership comes the responsibility…

In India, bike ownership isn't just about getting from point A to point B. It's a part of daily life and a source of pride for many. However, with the joy of bike ownership comes the responsibility of protecting it from accidents and damages. While standard bike insurance provides a safety net, it often doesn't cover the full cost of repairs due to depreciation. This is why you need zero depreciation bike insurance for even better protection.

Never heard of zero depreciation insurance for bikes but want to explore its offerings? This blog post will walk you through the advantages, premiums, and key details of zero depreciation bike insurance, so you can make a well-informed decision and keep your bike better protected.

What is Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance?

Zero depreciation bike insurance, also known as nil depreciation or bumper-to-bumper insurance, is a type of add-on coverage that can enhance a comprehensive bike insurance policy. Unlike standard bike insurance, which factors in the depreciation of parts when settling claims, zero depreciation bike insurance ensures you receive the full value of the parts being replaced. In other words, it eliminates the deduction for depreciation, allowing you to claim the entire cost of repairs or replacements for damaged bike parts.

Zero depreciation bike insurance meaning and benefits makes it beneficial for new bikes or those with expensive parts, as it covers the total repair costs in the event of an accident. You can reduce out-of-pocket expenses by opting for this add-on and ensure your bike is restored to its original condition without financial strain.

Benefits of Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance At a Glance

  • No depreciation deduction on replaced bike parts
  • Reduced financial burden during claims.
  • Enhanced protection to ensure better repair and replacement
  • Assured financial support to maintain your bike's condition
  • Maximized claim settlement without depreciation cuts

What are the Inclusions of Zero Dep Insurance for Bikes?

Here are the key inclusions of zero depreciation bike insurance:

  • Coverage for the total cost of replacing damaged parts without factoring in depreciation
  • Coverage for fiber, plastic, and rubber parts at their full replacement value
  • Coverage for metal parts, such as the frame, engine components, and more
  • Labor charges associated with repairing or replacing damaged parts

The exact benefits/inclusions may vary depending on the specific policy/add-on you select.

What are the Exclusions for Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance?

Given below are some of the key exclusions of zero dep add-on for bike insurance:

  • Routine wear and tear, including minor scratches etc.
  • Damages resulting from mechanical or electrical failures 
  • Uninsured perils such as nuclear risks, war, or malicious activities
  • Consumables such as oil, nuts, bolts, and coolant.
  • Damages incurred while engaging in illegal activities or violating traffic rules 
  • Damages occurring when the rider does not have a valid license or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Any damages arising from non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the base insurance policy

Also Read: How to Renew Two-Wheeler Insurance?

Bike Insurance With or Without Zero Depreciation Add-on: Comparison

The following table covers a detailed comparison between bike insurance with or without zero depreciation add-on cover:


With Zero Depreciation Add-on

Without Zero Depreciation Add-on

Coverage for Depreciation

Full coverage without depreciation deductions

Depreciation deducted from the claim amount

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Lower out-of-pocket expenses for repairs

Higher out-of-pocket expenses due to depreciation

Claim Amount

Higher claim amount covering full cost of parts

Lower claim amount after accounting for depreciation

Premium Cost

Higher premium due to added coverage

Lower premium with basic coverage

Parts Covered

Covers fiber, plastic, rubber, and metal parts at full value

Covers parts but depreciation value is deducted

Repair Costs

Comprehensive repair cost coverage

Partial repair cost coverage after depreciation


Age does not have an impact on the claim amount

Age affects the claim amount

Peace of Mind

Greater peace of mind with comprehensive protection

Limited peace of mind due to higher personal costs

Things to Consider Before Buying Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance

Before opting for zero depreciation bike insurance, it's essential to evaluate various factors to ensure it meets your needs. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Cost of Premium

Zero depreciation add-on typically increases the premium. Assess whether the additional cost fits your budget and offers value for your specific situation.

  1. Age of the Bike

This add-on is most beneficial for new or relatively new bikes. If your bike is quite old, the cost-to-benefit ratio might not be as favorable.

  1. Claim Frequency

Consider how often you might need to file a claim. Frequent riders or those in high-traffic areas may find more value in comprehensive coverage.

  1. Policy Terms and Conditions

Review the terms and conditions carefully. Understand what is covered under the zero dep insurance for bikes and any specific exclusions that may apply.

  1. Insurer Reputation

Research the insurer’s reputation to ensure smooth and quick claim processes.

  1. Geographical Coverage

Ensure the policy provides adequate coverage for the areas where you frequently ride your bike, including urban and rural regions.

  1. Deductibles and Limits

Check for any deductibles or limits on the number of zero depreciation claims you can make during the policy period.

  1. Bundled Offers

Some insurers offer bundled packages that include zero depreciation coverage and other valuable add-ons. Compare these to standalone options to find the best deal.

  1. Custom Parts and Accessories

If your bike has custom parts or accessories, check if the zero depreciation add-on covers these components as well.

How to Buy Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance?

Follow these steps to buy a comprehensive policy with zero depreciation add-on from RenewBuy:

  1. Assess Your Needs

Evaluate the coverage you require based on your bike’s age, model, and your riding habits. Consider if additional coverage for accessories or custom parts is needed.

  1. Get a Quote

Contact our insurance advisors to get a quote for a comprehensive bike insurance policy with zero depreciation add-on. You can also use an online bike insurance calculator to estimate the premium.

  1. Provide Bike Details

Share your bike’s details, such as make, model, year of manufacture, and registration number. Accurate information ensures you get a policy tailored to your specific needs.

  1. Compare Policies

Compare the features, benefits, and premium of different policies. Make sure to review the inclusions and exclusions to understand the coverage details thoroughly.

  1. Select Other Add-Ons if Required

Choose other add-ons you may find beneficial, such as roadside assistance, engine protection, or personal accident cover.

  1. Review and Customize

Review the policy terms and customize the coverage to meet our requirements. Ensure that the policy provides adequate protection for all possible risks.

  1. Complete the Purchase

Once you’re satisfied with the policy details, complete the purchase. You can pay the premium using a preferred payment option. After the payment is processed, you will receive the policy documents via email. Keep a digital and printed copy for your records.

Also, familiarize yourself with the claim process and keep our contact details handy for emergencies. Knowing how to file a claim can save time and reduce stress in case of an accident.


Question: Is zero depreciation for bikes good or bad?

Answer: Zero depreciation bike insurance is generally advantageous, especially for owners of new or high-value bikes. It ensures full coverage for replacement parts without factoring in depreciation. However, it typically comes with a relatively higher premium compared to standard insurance policies. 

Question: Can we get zero depreciation insurance after five years for a bike?

Answer: The availability and terms may vary among insurance providers. Some insurers may have specific age limits for adding this feature, while others may offer it as long as the bike meets certain criteria. You can check with your insurance provider to understand their policy details and eligibility criteria to add zero dep insurance.

Question: How many times can I file a claim under zero dep insurance?

Answer: The number of times you can claim zero depreciation bike insurance depends on the terms and conditions of your policy. You can review policy documents or contact your insurance provider to understand any specific conditions regarding claim limits.

Question: Which is the best zero depreciation bike insurance policy?

Answer: The best zero depreciation bike insurance policy depends on individual preferences and needs. Factors to consider include coverage limits, premiums, claim settlement track record of the insurer, and customer service quality. You can compare policies from reputable insurance companies and assess the overall value each policy offers based on your bike's value, usage, and budgetary considerations.

Question: What determines zero dep bike insurance price?

Answer: The following factors influence the price of zero depreciation bike insurance:

  1. Bike's age and model
  2. Insured Declared Value (IDV)
  3. Geographical zone
  4. Coverage limits

Disclaimer: The details, facts, or figures given here are intended solely for the reader's informational purposes and should not be relied upon for personal, medical, legal, or financial decisions. Please visit the insurer's website for the latest updates. We do not endorse any particular insurance company or insurance product provided by any insurer.


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