Motor insurance

5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Ride Bikes In The Rain

For a bike lover, riding your bike through the lanes of your city during heavy rain may be a very thrilling experience. There is nothing like taking your best companion and zoom through the city with…

For a bike lover, riding your bike through the lanes of your city during heavy rain may be a very thrilling experience. There is nothing like taking your best companion and zoom through the city with the gentle rains falling on you coupled with the soothing breeze. No wonder how thrilling it may be, one needs to be over cautious while riding in the rain. Here we list down five things which you should keep in mind while doing the same.

Always Wear a High Visibility Rain Jacket

Rain decreases visibility and so to avert perils on the road, it is best to wear a waterproof rain jacket of preferably bright colours. Colours like orange, fluorescent green and yellow are bright enough to make the rider noticeable even from a distance. Also make sure that the helmet you are using is anti-fog; has an electric defrost function and has a breath guard. Try the gear first before buying and make sure that you are comfortable with it so that it doesn't disturb you in any way.

Beware of Intersections

Mostly rains happen after a long period of heat and sun. And, so a lot of oil and dirt accumulates on the road. When these mix with the rain it makes the roads slippery. Riding through intersections are anyway a little risky and rain further aggravates the risk. Such slippery spots are not easy to notice while driving, so we advise you to lower the speed when you approach an intersection.

Look Out for Manholes and Puddles

Puddles are deceptive. They may be fun to splash through as you ride in the rain but you never know if it is a foot long pothole. Hence, try to avoid them and in case you cannot control your brakes then hold the throttle steady and keep your bike upright and do not touch the brake. Manholes are difficult to spot if the lanes are waterlogged. They are extremely perilous and the slightest carelessness can prove to be very fatal. Try and look out for manholes and yourself as far as possible from them.

Drive on the Dry Line

A shiny surface may be attractive and can make the rider keen to drive on it but that may be a result of the dust and oil accumulated on the road which on mixing with the rain may have turned to a shiny and slippery substance. So try to drive on a dry pavement as it renders superior traction and maneuverability.

Wear a Face Shield or a pair of Goggles

Face shield and goggles are a necessity even when it is not raining but mandatory when it rains. Face shields are used to keep dirt, dust and other particles away to eliminate chances of distracted driving. We recommend you to wear clear safety glasses instead of goggles as they fog less.

Besides these tips, it is needless to say that riding in the rain requires superior riding skills so don’t seek adventures with your bike if you are an amateur rider. Also, before setting out for a drive, don’t forget to check your two wheeler insurance status, so that just like you even your vehicle is protected.

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