
Experiencing Engine Noise In A Brand New Purchase?

Noises indicate if a machine or an engine is in ignition or not. But if your car starts making strange engine noises and they are sounds which you are not accustomed to, then it is wise not to ignore…

Noises indicate if a machine or an engine is in ignition or not. But if your car starts making strange engine noises and they are sounds which you are not accustomed to, then it is wise not to ignore them. Here’s a list of some of these innocuous engine noises that would require a quick stop to the mechanic:

1.Squealing Noises

If you hear an unmistakable ear-splitting noise when accelerating, the cause is your fan belt. It can be caused by the fan belt becoming loose over time, belt slipping because of a worn pulley or the pulleys are loose and need tightening. A loose fan belt will not move at the same tempo as the pulleys, hence the squealing noise.

2.Knocking Noises

If your vehicle’s engine makes a series of knocking noises, it could be an indication of a serious problem. It could be a sign of a bad rod bearing- which has either worn out completely or is too loose. It's a serious job to replace and should only be repaired by a qualified professional. Also, it would be better if you don't use the car until it's thoroughly diagnosed and repaired.

3.Screeching Or Grinding Noises

If you hear a deep grinding noise, then the problem is in your brakes rather than the engine. If there’s a screeching noise when you apply the brakes, the chances are that the brakes have completely worn out. It is the sound of the metal grinding against the cylinder, which is an indication that it is time to replace the brakes.

4.Shrieking Sounds

If your car is producing a shrieking sound, there could be an issue with the serpentine belt. If the rubber has turned brittle and is completely worn out, it can lead to the production of such sounds. Fortunately, the repair is relatively simple and inexpensive. However, another reason for the noise could be a failing tensioner, which is a more serious problem and should be brought to the notice of a mechanic immediately.

5.Clicking And Tapping Sounds

An audible tapping, irregular piston firing, metal to metal friction or slap, or engine clicking noise could be due to many reasons. The most common causes of engine ticking are low oil, worn struts, worn fuel injectors or bad pushrods. These noises can be fixed easily by replacing the oil and checking the oil pressure or by even replacing the defective part.

These types of noises will help you better narrow down the possible culprits under the hood and then take further action based on this information. If you’ve figured out what’s wrong with your car-whether your car is vibrating, howling, fluttering, banging, or buzzing; it’s best to get it fixed by a trustworthy mechanic sooner than later.

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